Bible Study - HEARING GOD - Interference
Sermon-Based Bible Study – September 18, 2022
- What is something God has done for you that you are thankful for? What is something you are celebrating? How have you experienced God’s love and faithfulness this week?
- Where are you experiencing stress, anxiety or discouragement? How would you like to see God move in your life or in the life of someone close to you?
- What did you hear in this week’s sermon that was new or particularly interesting? Did anything stand out to you as puzzling or troubling?
- Chris mentioned that two of the greatest lies the enemy tries to sell us are the Lord won’t speak to me because: (1) I’m not important enough; or (2) I’m not worthy enough. Have you ever bought either of those lies?
- Read James 1:18. In what way is being born again proof that you really can hear Him? How does being born again counter the lies of the enemy that you are not important enough or worthy enough? Have you ever been convicted of sin and truly sorrowful? What do you think caused the conviction? Was it the result of hearing God? In what way is the phrase, “Let your conscience be your guide” different than the phrase “listen to God and obey?” In what way are they the same?
- Read James 1:19. How does anger affect your desire to listen to God or others? How does it affect your capacity to listen? In your experience does listening help you slow down or even keep from becoming angry? How?
- In Matthew 11:29 Jesus describes himself as meek and humble. What is the connection between listening and humility?
- Read James 1:21. What are some things this passage suggests will make it more difficult to hear and discern God’s voice? Are there other things you’ve discovered that interfere with hearing and discerning God’s voice? What would you say is the greatest source of interference for you when it comes to hearing God?
- Read James 1:22-27. How would you describe the difference between “hearing” and “listening?” What is implied when you ask a child “Did you hear what I said?” What are some things you have done, or stopped doing, because of what God has said to you through scripture? Are there things you are doing, or not doing, that are contrary to what God has said to you?
- What is a simple, next step you could take in obedience to what the Spirit is saying to you through this time in the Word? Who would benefit, or be interested in hearing about what you’ve learned in this study?